What is Qurbani in islam | is Qurbani Farz

Qurbani: A Spiritual Act of Sacrifice in Islam

Qurbani, also known as Eid ul Azha, is a fundamental aspect of the Islamic religion commemorated by Muslims worldwide. It is a religious activity that bears significant value and reflects the spirit of sacrifice. In this essay, we will study the importance of Qurbani in Islam, evaluate the views on Qurbani in different schools of thought, explain the sorts of animals that can be sacrificed, and emphasize critical factors before selecting an animal for Qurbani.

The Significance of Qurbani in Islam

Qurbani goes beyond being a simple ritual; it is a meaningful act of worship that signifies surrender, dedication, and obedience to Allah. By honouring Qurbani, Muslims recall the memorable historical incident when Prophet Ibrahim (AS) received a divine instruction to sacrifice his adored son Ismail (AS). This heavenly test acted as a trial of faith, revealing the depth of Ibrahim’s commitment and his unshakable adherence to Allah’s word. Remarkably, both father and son embraced the divine mandate with firm conviction, devoting themselves totally to the cause of Allah.

Thoughts of Qurbani in Different Schools of Thought in Islam

Different schools of thought within Islam may have differing viewpoints on Qurbani. While the Sunni and Shia faiths both recognize the value of Qurbani, there may be variances in practices and interpretations. It is crucial to appreciate and comprehend these varied opinions within the Islamic community while respecting the underlying values that unite Muslims in their devotion to Allah.

A Father’s Faith: Hazrat Ibrahim’s Sacrifice of Hazrat Ismail

The narrative of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS) plays a crucial position in the history of Qurbani. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) got a heavenly mandate in a dream to sacrifice his beloved son, Hazrat Ismail (AS), to test his faith. Both father and son displayed unshakeable loyalty to Allah and surrendered to the divine decree. However, Allah intervened and substituted Hazrat Ismail (AS) with a ram, indicating the acceptance of their sacrifice. This exceptional act of faith and obedience is a significant lesson in submitting to Allah’s will and placing entire confidence in Him.

Types of Animals that Can Be Sacrificed

Islamic teachings identify specific animals that are permitted for Qurbani. Cattle, such as cows, bulls, sheep, and goats, are usually sacrificed animals. These animals must satisfy strict standards for age, health, and physical condition to be suitable for sacrifice. The selection of these animals assures the quality and appropriateness of the sacrifice.

Important Considerations when Selecting an Animal for Qurbani

Before picking an animal for Qurbani, numerous vital aspects should be taken into mind. The animal should be healthy and free from any evident flaws or diseases. It should also fulfil the age and weight limits established by Islamic norms. Cultural and regional preferences may impact the choice of animal for Qurbani. Moreover, providing ethical treatment and care of the animal throughout its life represents the principles of compassion and kindness inherent in Islamic teachings.

The Process of Qurbani

Qurbani is conducted throughout the days of Eid al-Adha, following certain rites and procedures. Muslims give the sacrifice following the Eid prayer, uttering the necessary supplications. The flesh of the sacrificed animal is then split into three parts: one for the individual making the sacrifice and their family, one for relatives and friends, and one for the less fortunate and those in need. This meat distribution emphasizes sharing, kindness, and care for the community.

Qurbani and the Spirit of Sacrifice

Qurbani serves as a striking reminder of the theme of sacrifice in Islam. It extends beyond the actual act of murdering an animal. It incorporates selflessness, commitment, and the readiness to give up something important for the sake of Allah. The spirit of sacrifice is designed to be continued throughout the year, urging Muslims to emphasize acts of charity, generosity, and sacrifice in their daily lives.


Qurbani carries enormous significance in Islam, embodying the attitude of sacrifice, devotion, and obedience to the Divine. It serves as a reminder of Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) unshakable faith and determination to succumb to Allah’s mandate. As Muslims conduct Qurbani, they not only commemorate a historical event but also embrace the characteristics of charity, compassion, and selflessness. May the practice of Qurbani continue to encourage people and communities to exemplify the spirit of sacrifice in all realms of life.


is qurbani mandatory in islam

Qurbani is obligatory on every sane adult Muslim man or woman who has more than necessary wealth.

importance of animal sacrifice in islam

The sacrifice of livestock during Eid al-Adha, including sheep, goats and cows, is reminiscent of a story mentioned in the Qur’an, in which Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham in biblical tradition) was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Ishmael.

rules of qurbani mentioned in quran

update comming

is qurbani compulsory

update comming

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