What Does Islam Say About Amulets? | Taweez in Islam

In Islam, “tawiz” refers to an amulet or charm worn for protection or for desired results. Taweez is a controversial topic in Islam, with differing opinions among scholars about its permissibility.

Some scholars consider Tawweez to be a form of shirk (associating partners with Allah), as it involves seeking protection or support from something other than Allah. They argue that relying on talismans can make one forget the true source of protection and blessings, which is Allah.

A taweez is sometimes worn by some Muslims with the belief that protection or blessings are obtained due to what it contains. In many cases, however, such amulets contain hieroglyphic symbols or other writings that indicate magical practices.

Furthermore, having superstitious beliefs was expressly prohibited by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) because one who does so commits shirk. The same applies to the early Muslim generations, such as their Companions, their followers and the Salaf in general.

Amulet is intended. The word amulet is used for another type of amulet. It can be a pendant, metal engraving, or even a framed prayer.

Wearing Taweez in Islam

The definition of taweez is simply a prayer written from the Qur’an or hadiths.
It is written on a piece of paper and worn around the neck.

It is the belief of those who follow the Sunnah It is permissible to wear taweez around the neck if the supplication contained in it is written from the Qur’an or hadiths.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to pray and then blow on the sick.

The Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) also did the same and wrote this supplication on a piece of paper and put it around a person’s neck when they could not read it. WIKI


Is it Haram to wear an amulet in Islam?

The amulet is haram and rigorously prevented in Islam.

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