How to Perform Wudu – Can You Read Quran Without Wudu

Can We Read or Touch the Quran without Wudhu?

“None can touch it but the pure.” (Quran, Surah Al-Waqi-‘ah 56:79)

This verse contains the term ٱلْمُطَهَّرُونَ which can mean ‘angels’ and can be used the meaning to human beings who are purified (from major impurity and from minor impurity). Qurtubi and Azhari (Quran commentators) support translating this term as ‘purified human beings.’ Thus, the interpretation of the phrase ٱلْمُطَهَّرُونَ ‘purified ones,’ are those free from both major impurity (hʾadath al-Akbar) and lesser impurity (hʾadath al-Asghar).

Major impurities: 

The state of impurity is generated by sexual intercourse and seminal/menstrual/postpartum discharge. Ghusl (full-body ablution) is the only means to achieve purity from this state.

Minor impurities: 

Impurities following urination, feces, passing gas, and sleeping. This state can be alleviated by producing wudhu or tayammum (dusting hands and face when water is unavailable.)

Before Umar (ra) joined Islam, he begged his sister to give him what she was reading (pages of the Qur’an). She recited the verse above (56:79) that only the cleansed can touch it. Thus Umar did the bath before he could read the Quran’s pages. This occurrence confirms the concept that prohibits impure persons from touching the Qur’an. Moreover, Imam Malik also referenced a Prophet’s letter in his Muwatta as proof, in which the Prophet (pbuh) counseled Amr Ibn Hazm with the statement: لَا یَمَسُّ القُرآنَ اِلَّا طَاھِرُ – don’t allow anyone touches the Quran except Tahir (pure).

Hence, most scholars believe that the individual who intends to touch the Qur’an needs to be purified of the visible (small) and the invisible (major) impurities by making wudhu or ghusl if required.

Some scholars permit touching the Quran without wudhu. Ayah 56:79 indicates only the pure ones (ٱلْمُطَهَّرُونَ) can handle the Quran. According to these scholars, the absolute pure ones are only the angels, and the Quran in this verse does not refer to the modern-day hard copy (Mushaf) of the original Quran. To them, wudhu is not compulsory for touching the Quran, just as essential for giving prayers. Still, it is preferred to be in the state of wudu while handling/reading the Quran.

Touching the Quran without Wudhu when Selling/Purchasing:

It is unnecessary to be in the state of wudhu while acquiring a copy of the holy Quran. However, to touch the Quran when purchasing, you must be in the condition of wudhu. If one wishes to buy the sacred Quran from a market, he must first do wudhu and then touch it. If there is no arrangement for wudhu, it should be taken home after being wrapped in a clean cloth or covering, and it is not essential to remain in the state of wudhu throughout the journey. However, wudhu is necessary for touching the Holy Quran. 

How to Perform Wudu

Performing wudu is the first vital stage of Salah and is an act of devotion. That’s why it’s necessary to make sure it’s done correctly. Always ensure not to waste water and understand that your wudu washes away minor sins.

Let us recall the method of Wudu.

1. Begin by pronouncing ‘Bismillah’.

2. Rinse your hands up to the wrists gently three times.

3. Rinse your mouth, spinning the water around, and rinse your nostrils, blowing the water out using the left hand to remove the fluid from your nose. 

4. Make your goal to ensure that you are currently practicing wudu’s fard (obligatory) activities.

5. Wash your entire face three times, making sure the whole face, eyebrows, beneath the nose, and lips are cleansed. A man should wash the hair off his beard.

6. Wash your arms and hands thrice from your fingers to your elbows. 

7. Wipe the top of your head, beginning with your hands at the front, and bring them to the back of your head. 

8. Wipe your ears by inserting your index fingers and wiping the back with your thumbs.

9. Wash both feet three times up to the ankles, and clean between your toes with your little finger. Don’t neglect the back of your ankles.

10. Finish your wudu with the dua. 

Dua after wudu

“أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ”

Reading the Quran without Wudhu

As discussed earlier in this post, according to some scholars you cannot touch the Holy Quran when you are not in the state of wudhu. Also, there is no question regarding reading the mushaf Quran (when reading from a hardcopy book of the Quran. It is because you have to contact it, which is unacceptable in the impure form. But on the other hand, anyone can read the Quran if another person holds it and asks him to read it for correction. In conclusion, there is a requirement for correct wudhu to read the Quran from a book. 

Reciting Quran by Memory without Wudhu

Reading or reciting the Quran from memory does not necessarily indicate you will touch it, which is banned. But, the word Tahir stated in the Hadith signifies that your complete body, including your mouth, should be pure.

Imam Ahmad narrated with a sahih isnad from Ali (RA) that the Prophet (pbuh) came out from the toilet and recited something from the Quran. He stated, “This is for the one who is not junub (in the state of major impurity); but the one who is junub should not do this, not even one ayah.”

Thus a person in a state of significant impurity should not recite the Quran, either from the mushaf or from memory, until he has bathed (done ghusl). However, suppose a person has broken his wudhu and is impure in the sense of small impurity. He can recite the Quran from memory, but it should not be from the mushaf.

Reading Quran on Mobile without Wudhu

People used to read the Holy Quran after performing wudhu during the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Because there was no idea of a virtual Quran, the Holy Quran was only read after ablution. That is why scholars always recommend reading the Holy Quran in the condition of wudhu, whether you read it via a cellphone, laptop, or any other device. But it is optional to perform wudhu in this scenario. You can read the Quran without wudhu on your cell phone or laptop. 

Although you are not physically touching the verses of the Quran, you are speaking them. Your tongue must entirely be pure from major impurities, according to the HadithHadith discussed before. That is why, before reading the Quran, you must conduct a ghusl to purify yourself from paramount purity. Performing wudhu is unnecessary (if you are not touching the Quran), but it can be done to earn the full reward.

Other Situations

There are various more instances where you can touch/read the Quran without wudhu, such as: 

Touching the Quran when rearranging the shelf of your library.

Picking up and transferring the Mushaf (Quran Hard Copy).

If another person holds it and asks you to read it for correction.

Reciting the Quran from memory.

Reading or reciting from an electronic gadget.

Women in their menstrual period read the Quran.

It is allowed to touch the Quran if a need to handle it occasionally occurs. Otherwise, it is vital to be in a state of purity to touch the Mushaf for reading and reciting.


Based on the Quran verse and Prophetic ahadith, most of the ummah and the fiqh experts agree that wudhu is a precondition for touching and reading the Holy Qur’an. Therefore, one can recite the Quran without wudhu from memory and read it from a mobile or tablet. However, whether reading the Quran from memory or on mobile, it is vital to not be in a state of major impurity (junub). Hence, before touching or reading the Holy Qur’an, ensure that no najasah, things recognized by Shari’ah as filth, is attached to one’s hand. He or she has done wudhu and is not in the form of janabah, the state where it is required to bathe.


What is the English of Wudu?


can you read Quran without hijab

Yes, you can read Quran without hijab because it is not obligatory to wear hijab while reciting Quran, all you have to do is perform ablution, sit in a clean and quiet place where you can concentrate, and then start reciting.

can you read Quran on phone while lying down

Bukhari (7549) and Muslim (301) narrate that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to lie on Aisha’s lap and recite the Qur’an. Imam Nawawi, may God have mercy on him, said in Sharh Sahih Muslim: “This shows that reciting the Qur’an while lying down and lying down is permissible.”

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